Thursday, 7 November 2013

Piling it on

Back to normal start time today, getting half the prayers, and then the bible study on Naboth's vineyard, a bit of Pacific Islands dance, walked the labyrinth in the Madang (exhibition area), good Plenary on Justice, persisted over very professionally by a Progressive Baptist anchor woman. Then after lunch I got to a talk and discussion on Egypt, another on the International Council of Christians and Jews, an encounter between Indian Dalit and Korean Minjung theologians, a very good talk and questions by a Greek Orthodox theologian on Orthodoxy and politics which was all yesterday's paper wasn't, a talk by an Egyptian Coptic Bishop which shed no light whatsoever on his topic which was Egyptian Youth, though he was obviously distinctly eminent as people were kissing his hand afterwards, then an excellent session with Ecumenical Accompaniers telling of their experience in Palestine. The programme had been swapped round as the Copt bishop was when the book said there'd be a talk on the youth of Syria! Also read the display boards of the China Christian Council. I have met one of the young stewards from Syria, and another from Japan with whom Korea are not on the best of terms at the moment - short chats with each. Evening prayers were including local Korean churches and were focused on prayer for the regions of the world, incorporating long written intercessions followed by Korean loud simultaneous free prayer. I don't think I've ever been at anything that overran quite so long. Notable also for 2 contrasting short sermons - the first by a strong-voiced Rev Bang Ji-il aged 102, the second by firebrand Rev Dr Jennifer Leath an African American Methodist, the one rather pietistic, the other definitely not.

The Assembly glossy daily newsletter included coverage today of our early morning prayer meeting yesterday with a picture of us and a fair bit of text - but in the Korean section! I got someone to translate it for me, and it quoted me commenting on the fact that I've never been to Korean early morning prayer despite it taking place in my church daily, and that perhaps I might think of joining them sometime now! And that I'd always been rather alarmed by the sound of Korean prayer.

Tomorrow I'll do sessions in the morning - then I'm heading off on a sight-seeing afternoon. I checked there was space on the trip I wanted, and then they recommended another one. I'm wondering if that was their way of saying there weren't enough takers so it wasn't running without wanting to say so. After that it'll be the second Baptist meeting in the evening, with the Assembly finishing the following day mid-afternoon and back up to Sanbon, Gunpo near Seoul in the evening hoping to visit the border area on Saturday, and to have time for some Seoul sight-seeing after the service on Sunday.

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